What is Ladies on the Land Australia?
Ladies on the Land Australia is for rural, regional and remote women living and working on the land and water across Australia. We gather for laughs, learning and lunch to face the triumphs and challenges of our great land together.
Our primary goal is to connect Australian women from all agriculture sectors - water and land - and those living on the land. We aim to create a strong, supportive community that provides consistent connections, access to tools and opportunities for learning, lunch and laughter. Our focus is on ensuring women have a reliable network to depend on, regardless of the challenges we face. Opportunities to learn and refresh tools in our toolbox for self care, growth and resilience.
Ladies on the Land welcomes and includes ladies of all ages and experience when it comes to life on the land.
Are you keen to establish a Ladies on the Land group in your local area? Please get in touch.
Life isn’t about waiting for the drought (flood/plague/fire/disaster/event) to pass, it’s about learning to dance (take new steps or adapt) in the dust (mud/eaten crops/ashes).
Why Ladies on the Land?
After each disaster, each drought, each flood, each bushfire what support measures are rolled out seems to depend on the government of the day. We are taking the reins to ensure connections are ongoing, the tools to adapt to our new normal are available and we have a broad community to depend on.
By creating Ladies on the Land groups we ensure consistency and future proof against variations in policy to ensure Ladies on the Land have the opportunity to connect, learn and laugh locally and nationally.
We don't have to go through the tough times alone. So please, jump in, join in, invite your friends and think about what a local group might look like in your district.
Where are Ladies on the Land? Women in all states and territories in rural, regional and remote Australia are part of the network.
Ladies on the Land Values
Connect and Gather. We connect to gather and gather to connect.
As We Are, Where We Are. The first step can be the hardest, come as you are.
Genuine. Keeping it real, keeping it honest.
Curious. We are Curious, Not Judgmental. It’s okay not to know.
Communicate. We listen to learn and reply to grow.
Fun and Laughter. For a while there I forgot how to laugh and have fun. Sometimes we need friends to learn how to laugh again.
Spark. All it takes is a spark to start.
Laughs, Learning & Lunch